• Import Game Statistics - 07/01/2011

    If you have old statistics in a spreadsheet or any other electronic form you can now import them into SBT/BBT. 1. Create a new game. 2. Click the statistics icon next to the newly created game. 3. Click the "Update Statistics" link 4. Click the "Import Statistics" link under the Game Totals. 5. Follow directions on the page to import.

  • Import League Schedule - 04/09/2011

    Teams in a league can now import the league schedule into your team schedule. On your team page click SEASONS on the left. Then click the IMPORT / UPDATE SEASONS.

  • Custom Team Web Address - 03/26/2010

    Now all pro users can create there own team website address or URL. (example: wildcats.softballtracker.com) To set this up, log in, click administrator, then click the team you want to edit. Click the Change URL button.

  • Private Sites - 03/25/2010

    You can now choose if you want everyone to view your teams site or just linked players. This option is set on the team menu page. After logging in, click Administrator, click the team you want to edit. Click change next to "Who can view my site?"

  • Multiple Admins - 09/04/2009

    You asked for it, you got it. The top requested feature request is now available. You can now assign multiple administrators to your team. In the team control panel under the Team Website header you will see an Administrators link.

  • Game Attendance Comments - 09/02/2009

    Prior to this update, the Game Attendance feature only allowed players to click “Yes” or “No”. Now you can post comments to divulge important information about your attendance.

  • Old Stats - 05/07/2009

    Would you like to have your previous seasons entered into SBT/BBT but don't have time or energy? If you have previous seasons in electronic format (i.e. Database, Spreadsheet, Word Document, etc.) Send them to support@softballtracker.com for a free, no obligation quote to have them imported.

  • Google Maps - 05/03/2009

    When you create or edit team or league fields, you now have the option to enter the field address. When the address is populated, it will show a Google map with driving directions.

  • Partial Innings - 04/18/2009

    You can now enter partial innings for pitchers that don’t pitch a full inning. The innings pitched field in the statsheet accepts values in INNING.OUT format. For example 3.2 would be 3 innings and 2 outs.

  • Message Board Subscription - 02/27/2009

    Click on the envelope at the bottom of any team or league message board and receive an email everytime the board is updated.

  • Improved Game Confirmation - 02/25/2009

    The game confirmation system has been upgraded. This allows a player to respond to a game right from their email.

  • Game Notes - 02/25/2009

    You can now enter game notes for each game. These notes will show up in the boxscore for all teamates to see.

  • Lineup Templates - 02/12/2009

    Now you can create lineup templates and apply them to scoresheets. To create templates, go into a scoresheet and fill out a lineup. Click “Save and Create Template” at the bottom of the scoresheet.

  • League Administrator - 02/12/2009

    The League Administrator has been released. You can now manage teams, divisions, seasons and schedules. League Administrator links will be available under the Team Administrator links once you create a league.

  • Print Score Sheet - 01/24/2009

    You now have the ability to print out score book sheets with pre-populated lineups. In the "Games" section of the administrator you will see a column for printing score sheets.

  • User Manual - 01/22/2009

    A complete user manual is now available for viewing. Click the "Help" link on the top navigation bar.

  • Line Charts - 01/09/2009

    Line charts were inserted into Season History, Player Info under Roster, and Schedule and Scores. This will help you visualize your teams performance.

  • Change User ID - 01/09/2009

    When logged in, click "My Profile" in the upper right. Under User Name you can click "Change User Name". This will allow you to update your login user name.

  • League Message Board - 09/08/2008

    This will allow any player to post a inner league message that will display on the league page. This message will also display on the home page of all teams linked to the league.

  • Game Lineups - 06/14/2008

    Administrators can now submit game lineups for upcoming games. Log into the site and go to the Administrator. Click Games on the Left navigation bar. Click on "Stats / Lineup" next to the game. Enter your players, batting order and positions and save.

  • Game Attendance for Admins - 06/04/2008

    Administrators can now manually specify what players will attend the game. Log into the site and go to the Administrator. Click Games on the Left navigation bar. Click on "Attendance" next to the game.

  • Account Registration - 03/03/2008

    Your players are now required to register an account to gain special access. Without an account they will not be able to post to the message board, update game attendance status, etc.

  • Game Attendance - 03/03/2008

    When players log into their accounts, they can update if they will be able to play in a particular game.