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ASA Bat Performance Standard for 2013

SLOW PITCH for 2013 and BEYOND in ASA

There WILL be changes for Certification Mark and Test Standard for all bats used in the game of ASA Slow Pitch Softball for the 2013 season.

There will be a new Certification Mark to be used on future bat models manufactured for the game of Slow Pitch for 2013 and beyond. The current 2000 and 2004 Certification Marks will continue to be valid Marks for the existing Slow Pitch bats.

Any new models produced by the manufacturers will display the new Certification Mark for bats used in the game of Slow Pitch Softball for ASA.

The new certification mark will look like this image below (ASA Shield):All bats currently listed on the approved bat lists will remain legal for ASA; ASA will continue to perform random testing of all approved models to verify conformance of the approved bat performance standard, any model found out of compliance could be added to the non-approved list. All models currently listed on the non-approved list will not be allowed in ASA.


At the ASA Council Meeting in November 2012, the ASA Council voted to change the ball used in Slow Pitch Championship Play for some divisions of play. The rule change is as follows:

Rule 3 Section 3E [3]: EFFECTIVE 2014: The 52/300 12 inch ball will be the only 12” ball allowed in Men’s Adult Slow Pitch, Men’s Co-ed, Men’s Master’s Slow Pitch and Junior Olympic Boys Slow Pitch, with the exception of Seniors.

Comments: Removes the 44/375 12” ball as an approved ball for all Men’s Adult Slow Pitch, Men’s Co-ed, Men’s Master’s Slow Pitch and Junior Olympic Boys Slow Pitch Championship Play beginning January 1, 2014.

Any questions or comments regarding this matter should be directed to Craig Cress at 2801 N.E. 50th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111 email, phone (405) 425-3441, fax (405) 424-3855.