League Messages
Post Message

vincent russomagno

11-08-2017 06:29 PM

**All-Star Softball Academy** Hello, My name is Vincent Russomagno and I head business development at All-Star Softball Academy (ASSA). After nearly two decades of successfully serving the baseball community with All-Star Baseball Academy (ASBA), we are now using our experience and success and focusing on the softball world. We have 5 indoor facilities, locations: Warminster, Broomall, West Chester, Downingtown PA and Cherry Hill, NJ, along with numerous outdoor field affiliations. We are actively hiring softball instructors across our 5 facilities and have facility space available to rent for the winter season; however, space is filling up fast. Please reach out to me directly with any interest/inquiry. Phone: 302-494-8017 Email: vince@allstarbaseballacademy.com

Pj Lewars

06-12-2017 05:24 PM

Just looking to stay in the loop for fall ball and make the meeting this year

Wayne Kandravi

06-12-2017 07:28 PM

FYI... we no longer use softballtracker for LBSL. The league is now on LeagueLineup.com http://m.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=lbslsoftball

Wayne Kandravi

06-12-2017 07:29 PM

Fall Season 2017 - Discount! The Fall 2017 League Fee will be $975.00; if paid by JULY 15th the fee is ONLY $900.00. Fall season will start the last Sunday of August! Please contact Bob 267-257-1951 to sign up and pay by July 15th to Save $$!!

Calvin Scheetz

06-12-2017 11:34 AM

Weekday coed team The Law looking for woman. text or message calvin scheetz 267-566-1690 if interested

Wayne Kandravi

06-12-2017 07:28 PM

No longer on softball tracker. New site: http://m.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=lbslsoftball

Wayne Kandravi

06-12-2017 07:29 PM

Fall Season 2017 - Discount! The Fall 2017 League Fee will be $975.00; if paid by JULY 15th the fee is ONLY $900.00. Fall season will start the last Sunday of August! Please contact Bob 267-257-1951 to sign up and pay by July 15th to Save $$!!

Dan Bennett

04-09-2017 12:32 AM

Hey I'm a free agent looking to join a team! Text me Dan Bennett (267) 356-0400

Timothy Rossi

04-07-2017 06:31 PM

New to Area, Looking to join a team. Good baseball and softball player. Play any position except pitcher, good hitter. Weeknights are best, open to weekends too. Reliable teamate. Please call Tim at 720-557-0722, thanks!

League Administrators
Daniel Nocito
View Profile
League Information
League ID:38
City:Bucks County
Type of Play:Slow Pitch
Type of Team:Men