Bucks County, PA
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Welcome to the CFSL

Saturday, 4/20/2024 @ 3:26 AM

Welcome to the Christian Fellowship Softball League Website

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1 (KJV)

If you know of any local churches that would like to join our league, please contact Us at

CFSL 1981-2024 - Our 44th Season!

CFSL Ground Rules for Safety

Saturday, 4/20/2024 @ 3:33 AM

New Ground Rules for Middletown Township Fields for the 2023 Season for Resident’s Safety

Chris Jones

1.     Teams should not block the walking path around the field.

2.     Any ball that lands over the hill from the left field foul line to the“No Outlet” sign in left center field in the

umpire’s judgement, will be aground rule home run. Any ball that bounces over the hill, in the umpire’sjudgment, will

be a ground rule double.

3.     All other areas of the field are open. Players may advance at their own risk.

Firefighters 1 (old Poplar Lit)

 Any ball that is hit foul down the right field line that lands inside the Tennis/Pickleball Court while occupied by

Residents at play will be ruled an out.  If there are no residents using the court, it will only be ruled a foul ball.

 Firefighter 2 (old Poplar unlit)

Any ball that is hit into the Tennis/Pickleball Court during the game when residents are inside using the court will be an inning ending out.

Any ball that is hit into the Tennis/Pickleball Court during the game when residents are not using the court will be a ground rule homerun.

Any ball that bounces into the court whether the court is occupied or empty will be ruled a ground rule double.

Any ball that is hit over the fence past the access road before the court in the air will be ruled a home run. If the ball

bounces over the fence, it will be a ground rule double.

League Messages
Post Message

Greg Kloiber

07-02-2019 08:53 PM

Firefighters fields are good to go!

Cris Karl

05-25-2013 08:37 PM

Welcome to the new CFSL website. Please continue to call Tom Jeske with the scores of your games as the website is not the official determination of standings but is being used to get information out to managers and players.

League Administrators
Cris Karl
View Profile
Thomas Jeske
View Profile
League Information
League ID:971
City:Bucks County
Type of Play:Slow Pitch
Type of Team:Men